

Statistics and Market Data about the Internet

Internet This page provides statistics, facts and market data related to internet. This includes information on segments and industries such as social media, online search, user-generated content, online advertising and marketing as well as statistics on demographics and use. Current internet user figures suggest that there are more than 2.5 billion…...

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Protecting children using Kaspersky Safe Kids

Kaspersky Safe Kids is a cross-platform solution that helps you monitor the security of your child in the real world and virtual world. It is up to you to decide what is safe for your child, such as what websites he or she can visit, how many hours he or…...

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Hackers steal billions from telecom giants MTN, Airtel and Stanbic Bank

MTN and Airtel, which control at least more than 90 per cent of the mobile money market hold escrow accounts with Stanbic Bank and the two telecoms are believed to have been the biggest victims of the hack....

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Understanding Cybercrime and its impacts

Cybercrimes are offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems; digital content-related offences; and copyright-related offences; computer-related offences ( ITU, GDPR, DPA 2018). As a common man who uses electronic devices, the information (such as emails, multimedia) you store in your electronic devices such as phones,…...

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